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TNT 1.1 (doc)

TNT Personal Use License (PUL)

Phylogeny.fr has special arrangements with TNT authors to be allowed to provide TNT to users of its servers but these users have to agree to the following license before being able to use TNT:

Do you agree with the above terms of use?


Note: if you do not agree, you won't be allowed to use TNT on this server.


Search type:
Traditional search
New Technology search
Sectorial search (with RSS and CSS)
Tree fusing

CostsNote: you can set the costs for both amino-acids and nucleic acids but only the appropriate one according to your data will be used.:
Amino-acids stepmatrix:   
Please note that TNT is not very efficient (ie. slow) when amino-acids substitution stepmatrices are used.

Nucleic acids transversion costThe transition cost is set to 1 and the default transversion cost is 1.: (integer above 0)

No resampling
Standard bootstrapSample with replacement
JacknifeIndependant character removal (with 36% removal probability)
Symmetric resamplingNot distorted by weights/costs (with 33% change probability)
Number of replicats:

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